When the success of your project relies on getting to market quickly with the best product, you can't always afford to wait for internal development. Our Rapid Product Realization services provide the time-critical solutions to help you finish your product on time, on budget, and before the competition. As part of our Rapid Product Realization services, we provide complete OEM Manufacturing, High Availability Systems Integration, and Custom Hardware and Software Development. We help from start to finish, from requirements specification through to final documentation and delivery.
Our OEM Manufacturing Services and Rapid Product Realization process integrate complex bridges, routers or gateways, and custom hardware or software to quickly and cost efficiently develop turnkey product solutions for the highly competitive telecom network. In addition, GNP supports the final product by serving as a single source solution for testing, documentation, inventory management, revision control, software and technical support. GNP is an ISO-9001 certified company.